Metodología - Xperience Design
We don't think like designers: we design. We follow the traditional design methodology, with rigor but adapting it to each need of our projects
Investigación para el diseño
Stage 1
Design research
It is a quantitative, qualitative and exploratory research in which we consider the human aspect as the central driver of the service experience. It relies on anthropology, sociology, ethnography and other knowledge such as empathic observation and cultural evidence.
These allow us to consider the user in a sensitive and close way through their human condition, over and above their segmentation as a consumer or the determination of demographic factors.
Unlike purely anthropological research, Design Research is much more narrowly focused on understanding a specific problem, objective or situation. We consider in depth the different behaviors of the users facing the problem, from its most human sense, and we design from that.
Ideación y conceptualización
Stage 2
Ideation and conceptualization
Ideation is the process of generating ideas, and conceptualization is their selection and precision.
The first process presents us with a strong divergence. We seek to obtain as many ideas, themes, opportunities and challenges with respect to the design situation.
Then we seek convergence on selected constraints and concepts. These will be the main nuances, characteristics and determinations of what is designed.
These ideas and concepts must correspond to the research for design. They are the north towards which all design developments and prototypes point.
At this stage, interdisciplinarity, the possibility of conversing with different ways of seeing, becomes an important source of ideas and discussions around the design objective. That is why we always count on the client as part of the creation and design team.
The first process presents us with a strong divergence. We seek to obtain as many ideas, themes, opportunities and challenges with respect to the design situation.
Then we seek convergence on selected constraints and concepts. These will be the main nuances, characteristics and determinations of what is designed.
These ideas and concepts must correspond to the research for design. They are the north towards which all design developments and prototypes point.
At this stage, interdisciplinarity, the possibility of conversing with different ways of seeing, becomes an important source of ideas and discussions around the design objective. That is why we always count on the client as part of the creation and design team.
Ideación y conceptualización
Stage 3
This is the moment in which we transform ideas and concepts into tangible elements that show an approximation of the final product or service. We make a creation of models of a certain product to make successive tests with it.
The prototype should be a quick and inexpensive way to stage the concepts in order to foster topics of conversation with users and co-creators, who help us to evaluate and improve the final solution before its implementation.
This process should progress as the project progresses, until the prototype has functional, formal or usability characteristics. This is why there are different topologies and there may be several stages of prototyping. The goal is always to get closer and closer to the final product and make the necessary adjustments to make it attractive, viable and feasible.
The prototype should be a quick and inexpensive way to stage the concepts in order to foster topics of conversation with users and co-creators, who help us to evaluate and improve the final solution before its implementation.
This process should progress as the project progresses, until the prototype has functional, formal or usability characteristics. This is why there are different topologies and there may be several stages of prototyping. The goal is always to get closer and closer to the final product and make the necessary adjustments to make it attractive, viable and feasible.
Ideación y conceptualización
Stage 4
In the last stage of the process, we evaluate the design object. We try to make a lot of mistakes quickly, in order to minimize the costs and errors that may occur in the development and implementation process of the product or service.
For testing, it is necessary to be clear about where we will evaluate, as well as with respect to which design subject we will do our testing. It is essential to articulate the initial challenge and the research conducted.
We can test at different layers or levels of intervention: the business model (BM), the service design (SD), the customer experience (CX), the user experience (UX) or the user interface. In each layer, testing has different objectives and possibilities. It is not the same to evaluate the business model of a service for which we create an app, as it is to evaluate the navigation of that app.
Good testing depends on defining the artifact, attributes and metrics to be evaluated. First we must know what, and thus be clear about the level of fidelity it has with reality. Then we define what attributes we will evaluate, such as usability, which in turn has other attributes such as whether the product or service is intuitive or attractive. Finally, we define specific metrics for each attribute.
We can and should always test. This is the only way to guarantee a good implementation of what has been designed.
For testing, it is necessary to be clear about where we will evaluate, as well as with respect to which design subject we will do our testing. It is essential to articulate the initial challenge and the research conducted.
We can test at different layers or levels of intervention: the business model (BM), the service design (SD), the customer experience (CX), the user experience (UX) or the user interface. In each layer, testing has different objectives and possibilities. It is not the same to evaluate the business model of a service for which we create an app, as it is to evaluate the navigation of that app.
Good testing depends on defining the artifact, attributes and metrics to be evaluated. First we must know what, and thus be clear about the level of fidelity it has with reality. Then we define what attributes we will evaluate, such as usability, which in turn has other attributes such as whether the product or service is intuitive or attractive. Finally, we define specific metrics for each attribute.
We can and should always test. This is the only way to guarantee a good implementation of what has been designed.